Angharad Thomas
OB3 Associate
Angharad is a freelance researcher and has worked with OB3 since 2012, working on a wide variety of research and evaluation projects including an evaluation of the Enhancing Leadership and Management Skills (ELMS) programme for Welsh Government, an evaluation of the KESS and ATM programmes for Bangor and Swansea University and evaluation of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol; and research to inform the Office of the Public Guardian on its Welsh Language Services.
During her time with OB3, Angharad also co-ordinated a self-evaluation support service for Big Lottery funded projects in Wales. Prior to working for OB3, Angharad worked for a Wales based research and evaluation consultancy and has also worked in marketing within a Further Education institution.
Angharad is a fluent Welsh speaker and is based in Llanelli, where she was brought up. She holds a degree in Geography and a Masters in Regional and Environmental Policy, both from Aberystwyth University.