OB3 to conduct review of Post-16 Jisc Funding and Delivery Model in Wales

OB3 Research has been appointed by the Welsh Government to undertake an independent review of the post-16 Jisc funding and delivery model in Wales.

This review will examine whether the funding currently being provided by the Welsh Government to Jisc to support the work of post-16 learning providers operating across further education, work based learning and adult learning is achieving the best value for money. It will also examine the extent to which Jisc’s current ‘offer’ is meeting the needs of this sector in Wales.

The specific requirements of the review are to consider:

·       the current cost, value and benefit of Jisc services to Welsh FE institutions; identifying which services provided by Jisc are most used and most valued by the sector

·       the current cost, value and benefit of Welsh Government funded services delivered by Jisc to other Post-16 learning providers in Wales

·       whether an alternative funding and/or delivery model would increase value for money and provide additional benefits to the Post-16 sector in Wales

·       the potential impact of any significant changes to the existing funding and/or delivery model

·       how an efficient, timely and low cost ‘feedback loop’ could be implemented to ensure that learning provider feedback can effectively influence funding decisions by the Welsh Government

and to recommend:

·       any options for changes to the existing funding and/or delivery model to maximise benefits for the Post-16 sector in Wales

·       any improvements to the existing management and monitoring of Jisc funding by the Welsh Government to increase efficiency and effectiveness.