OB3 Research will be supporting Miller Research in the evaluation of the Welsh Government’s Recruit, Recover and Raise Standards Programme.
Welsh Government allocated funding to schools and early years childcare settings to provide additional support to children and young people whose education and development have been most disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To support learners back into learning, and recognising the significant variation in how learners had engaged with the support provided during the period of school closure, the Welsh Government’s response was to dedicate financial resources to creating new capacity in the system (alongside other programmes investing in professional learning, digital infrastructure, connectivity, devices and content to enrich the experiences schools make available to learners.) This additional capacity was designed to provide additional temporary support for priority learners – initially for one academic year only - to enable them to re-engage with the school system, achieve the progression that they are entitled to, and rebuild confidence and learning capability. The programme was launched under the strap line of Recruit, Recover and Raise Standards (RRR).
The research will provide evidence to help inform decisions about the ongoing response of the Welsh Government to supporting schools and early years childcare settings to recover from the disruptive impacts that COVID-19 is having on learning. The evaluation will be undertaken between October 2021 and July 2022.