Future core funding for social enterprise - review by OB3 Research

OB3 Research has been commissioned by the Welsh Government to undertake an independent assessment of the core funding provided to Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) and Social Firms Wales (SFW) between 2017-22 and the funding provided for the Social Enterprise Agency (SEA) for 2019-22.

The aim of the review is to consider

WCC and SFW:

  • Have the objectives been met and are they still relevant?

  • Has the Welsh Government received value for money for the funding investment?

  • Make recommendations on whether Welsh Government should continue to core fund WCC and SFW to support strategic delivery of Programme for Government (PfG) commitments


  • Have the objectives been met and are they still relevant?

  • Has the Welsh Government received value for money for the funding investment?

  • Make recommendations on whether the Welsh Government should continue to fund Social Enterprise Academy to support strategic delivery of PfG commitment

The review will consider the lessons learnt and recommendations for any potential future core funding.