OB3 Research, in collaboration with Elevate and Dateb, has been commissioned by the Welsh Government to undertake a review of the core funded work undertaken by Chwarae Teg between 2014 and 2020.
The objectives of the review are to:
· review whether and how well the services delivered by Chwarae Teg, as funded by the core funding from Welsh Government, support the delivery of key Welsh Government priorities, including the Employability Plan, Economic Action Plan, the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and the Cymraeg 2050 target.
· review the sector within which Chwarae Teg sits and identify other organisations delivering / aiming to achieve similar objectives to Chwarae Teg.
· assess the performance of Chwarae Teg against its stated aims and objectives for the period under review (2014-2020), including a review of the obstacles that have been faced, whether and how these have been overcome.
· assess, where possible, how Chwarae Teg have contributed to assisting Welsh speakers through their programmes.
· make recommendations on the data to be collected in order to undertake any form of evaluation in the future
· make recommendations for future policy development based on lessons learnt from the review.