The Ministerial Taskforce for the South Wales Valleys was set up by the Welsh Government in July 2016. The Valleys Taskforce’s plan – Our Valleys, Our Future – was published in July 2017, and lists three priorities:
Priority 1: Good quality jobs and the skills to do them
Priority 2: Better public services
Priority 3: My community
The Delivery Plan for the Valleys Taskforce (VTF) focuses on seven key areas: Housing, Foundational Economy, Entrepreneurship and business support, Transport , Strategic hubs, Valleys taskforce innovation fund and Valleys Regional Park.
An evaluation of the VTF will aim to summarise the progress made by the VTF - how it has worked and how effective the regional approach has been to policy development and delivery. OB3 will conduct and analyse a series of in-depth qualitative interviews with a sample of external stakeholders and provide a report to Welsh Government on the key findings.