OB3’s second evaluation report on the Welsh Government’s PaCE (Parent, Childcare and Employment) project has now been published.
PaCE aims to assist out of work parents into training or employment where childcare is their main barrier to doing so.
The report looks in greater depth at participants’ experiences and outcomes.
Headline findings include:
Many individuals felt they were unlikely to have found work without the support of PaCE. They felt the support and encouragement which their advisers had provided as something particularly valuable.
Advice on how to find, organise or pay for childcare whilst participants undertook training or worked was welcomed. More so for men as they may lack social networks.
Smaller numbers of participants received help with training, qualifications and placements. However, those who did found that the confidence and skills they developed invaluable
A majority of interviewees who were in work held jobs which were low paid. Those who had changed job had done so due to issues often associated with insecure work.
The individuals working in those roles generally enjoyed them and they provided some income. The jobs also offered flexibility and provided social benefits.
A majority of participants had taken part-time jobs to fit with childcare. However, for those with school aged children, holidays presented issues for childcare. These issues were exacerbated for those without close networks around them.
To see a copy of the full report click here.
The next report in the series will explore the unique impact of PaCE on participants and the value for money of the programme.